Personalized Workshops for Lawyers

Welcome to BSK Life Coaching, dedicated to helping attorneys harmonize their professional experience with personal values for a balanced life. Under the guidance of Bohdan Kosovych, a Certified Life Coach and experienced attorney, we offer tailored support for career evolution and transitions. Ready to start? Fill out our consultation form and embark on your journey towards a fulfilling career and life.

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Services Offered

At BSK Life Coaching, we believe in forming trusting relationships that empower you to craft your own vision.

Career Transition Workshops

You might want either to modify your work circumstances while continuing to practice law, or to work in a different field altogether.  We mentor and guide you through a successful transition in either case.

Work-Life Balance Strategies

The ideal of work-life balance is often discussed, but not always easily accomplished.  We help you to find a personal path to such balance that gets you there.

Vision and Goal Setting Workshops

It can be easier or harder for certain people to identify and define their vision of where they want to end up in regard to work and how they want to get there.  We mentor and guide you through the process of formulating an uplifting and attractive personal vision that becomes a beacon to light your path to your clear-cut goals, to specify the actions appropriate to take to reach those goals, and to continually motivate your efforts to achieve them.

Stress Reduction Techniques

There are several ways to manage and reduce stress.  We help you to tailor and apply proven stress reduction methods based on your needs and preferences, to reach your goals with as little stress as possible, and to keep stress reduction as a continuing practice in your life.

Get Started Today


Call: 646-256-2739

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